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Can I Have Different Reptile With My Turtle

22 13:32:05

i have one turtle (3-toed box turtle) and i wanted to know if i could buy a lizard or a different reptile for it (a lizard/reptile that doesnt bite). And if not then is there a lizard/snake that doesnt grow to big and doesnt bite but looks amazingly awesome? Oh and what do box turtles eat? And please add what does the snake/lizard you recommand eat?

OK, I would not recommend housing different species together as they may carry parasites that while they don't bother the their own species they may kill another species.  As far as what they eat.  A mix of greens and fruits would be the best diet.  Generally speaking, organic spring mix and chopped fruits such as apples, pears, etc would be good.  Also make sure you have a basking spot and a UVB producing bulb as well.  You must also provide a calcium supplement of some kind as part of their regular diet.