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Adult female beardie needs to gain weight

22 11:49:50

Earlier this year my German orange giant female laid a REALLY healthy clutch of 25 eggs, and has not been able to gain back her normal pre egg weight (she was approx 1.5-2 lbs before and slightly heavier during gestation) she's now less than a pound, skinny, depressed fatty packs behind the eyes and tailbone... She eats, but not NEAR enough at a time to gain any weight. She eats and drinks water everyday, has normal bowel movements and is active. I need to know what foods to give her that are going to help her gain weight. She currently eats a few super worms or crickets daily, dark greens, occasional colorful fruit n veggies. Am I better off allowing her to eat what she wants or should I be making smoothies and force feeding?
Thanks for any help :)

Hi Char,

Force feeding is very stressful (for both owner and reptile!) and is best considered as a last resort, for cases of impending starvation. I would not recommend it at all in your situation.

Many dragons will willingly lick up moist food dabbed on their snouts. You might be able to supplement her diet that way and encourage a bit more intake. A mix of turkey and veggie based baby food makes a good base.

I would also suggest including some waxworms into her diet. They are soft-bodied and high fat which makes them calorie dense. Silkworms are another good option, if you can get them.
Your bearded will have used a great deal of her calcium stores in egg production. I would suggest dusting her food a few times a week until she begins to regain her pre-egg weight.

If you are not too squeamish then pinkie mice are strongly recommended for post egg-laying weight loss as well. A German giant should be able to make quick work of one.

I'm including a link with the nutritional breakdown of most feeder insects.