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russian tortoise home

22 14:13:27

Hello, I am researching russian tortoises because i want to get one.  A few websites recommended against  a glass tank as a home for the tortoise because 1) tortoises don't understand the concept of glass and would constantly run into the sides and 2) glass tanks get poor ventilation.  I was wondering if there was any way i could pull off a glass tank - i would use a visual barrier around the sides to prevent collision, and as far as the poor ventilation goes, would it work better if i didn't put the lid on the tank?  (of course, i would make sure there were no dangers to the turtle if I did this.)  i just don't want an eye-sore like an ugly rubber storage container sitting around, as many web sites have recommended. Thanks!

Any glass tank large enough to house an adult Russian Tort is going to be huge and expensive.  If you are going to add a visual barrier you won't be able to see in either.  Why not build a cage using lumber and hardware cloth?  Or, if you live in a suitable habitat build him a pen outside.  Your research is correct glass is not great for these guys.