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Leopard gecko fell

22 11:49:25


I got my geckos about two weeks ago and they have been doing fine. I had one of them out today and she jumped from my hand to the couch, about a foot. I also think she kind of flipped. It happened so fast! I now notice that she is limping when she walks. It is her front right foot. She can stand on it and walk but at times, she stumbles a bit. It doesn't T look broken and she was able to hold herself up to eat right after.
I am hoping a little R&R will heal her.


Hello Samantha,

Oh I am sorry to hear that!  Do you have any picture of her?
Things can happen like that as they tend to try crazy stunts like that often!
Is the leg swollen or no?  
I would take things out of her tank to help with her not having to climb on things & hurt herself more.  
She is eating a little bit right now also?
I sell this enzyme from silkworms, you could consider, which is a natural pain remedy if she is still seeming to be in pain.

Let me know how she is doing.
