Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Whites Tree Frog Eye Problem

Whites Tree Frog Eye Problem

22 13:32:00

Tree Frog
Tree Frog  
QUESTION: i special ordered a whites tree frog and i got it yesterday and i noticed where part of the gold part is disappearing...... heres a picture there is nothing wrong with the other eye

ANSWER: Hello Peyton,

Hm, it looks like he could have possibly injured his eye somehow, or there is a bacterial type of infection going on.  Is it getting worse, daily?  
Are you keeping the water changed out daily, to cut down on bacteria in the water?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: it does get a little bit worse it started getting worse rapidly earlier today

ANSWER: Hello Peyton,

Did you get the sterile saline solution at the store yet?  Do get some of that to get his eyes flushed out daily.  Are you keeping the water changed out daily for him?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i change water more than once a day because she gets the water really dirty, i will go get saline soulution im already using neosporin on some sores under his eye and on his snout

Hello Peyton,

Ok, that sounds great you are changing her water out daily that should help.
Yes, go ahead & use the saline solution in the eyes.  The neosporin is good for external use, but don't use it inside of the eye though.  If you need antibiotic eye ointment, let me know.  I sell it on my site.

Let me know how she is doing.
