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my beardie vomited

22 14:43:43

I have had bearded dragon (Tarra) for over 2 year and never had a problem yesterday i gave a boiled egg adn she vomited twice...what do i do?

Hi Clair, Vomitting is one of the body's defense mechanisms. It's not bad in itself but is obviously a sign that her body rejected the egg for some reason. Beardeds will vomit if they over eat, so if she consumed a large   amount it may just have been the abnormal density and weight that caused the vomitting. The high fat level, of the yolk in particular, may have also caused it. Beardeds that "pig out" on high fat waxworms will also vomit.
I would give her a soak to let her recover the fluids she lost and watch her carefully for any other abnormal behaviour or lethary. If she seems like herself and does not regurgitate any of her other food then personally I wouldn't worry about it, but I certainly wouldn't give her egg again!