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Leopard Gecko Healing

22 11:50:35


I've recently rescued a very badly neglected leopard gecko. I'm 100% positive that she has M.B.D. Through my care over the last 2 weeks she has
gained some weight back and has gotten much of her mobility back, but one of her front limbs is still severely curled up. In your opinion, do you
think it is possible that she may ever gain her mobility back in her atrophied limb?
Thank you for your time.


If the problem with her limb is due to a bone malformity, or a badly healed break, then there's no real chance that she will regain much mobility in the limb.  Even if she does, she will not be able to use it properly, due to the malformation.  You should keep an eye on it, to be sure that she does not drag it or injure it.  If she injures the limb while moving around, it could become infected (which could be deadly).  The best option in that case is to have a veterinarian amputate the limb before an infection occurs.