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purchased 1st gecko

22 14:40:07

i brought 2 gecko's for my son yesterday i have no idea how to care for them, they are in a glass 30 gal tank i brought sand, heating day lamp 60w a cave water an crickets, since setting the cage up they have'nt ate anything so i am worried. one of the gecko's shedding and not very active. the other smaller one is doing fine i hope, please give me some advice. they are toekay gecko's,color brown,red white and skyblue dots.if you can call me my number is (718)723-6920 thank you.

 Oh boy, are you going to have fun.  Tokays are normally not friendly, so I would suggest you and your son get used to wearing workgloves as they have a powerful bite when they get older.  And you may have to separate them when they get older because most lizards are territorial.  The tokays also make quite a noise at night.
 The best caresheet to go by is one of Melissa Kaplan's collection.  The following link will send you to the Tokay Gecko portion of her vastly informative website: