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bearded ragons

22 15:10:21

Hi how long do bearded dragons live? do chinese water dragons live longer? which makes a betttter pet? can they both be kept in groups of there own kind?

thank you for your question.
Bearded Dragons usually reach an age of ten years, Water Dragons can get older, up to twenty years.

Which of them makes the better pet depends on what you expect. No reptile likes being petted. Both can be handled occasionally and from what I've heard and read, Bearded Dragons are more docile and will be "tamer". Water Dragons require a lot of care because they need a rainforest enviroment with high humidity and a "swimming pool". Bearded Dragons, as desert amnimals, need a less elaborate setup but caring for them is a lot of work, either. Both need a lot of room, Bearded Dragon at least 6 ft long, 2ft deep and 3 ft high for a a pair, Water Dragons even more.
Bearded Dragons should hibernate for 6-8 weeks during the winter which will lengthen their lifespan (especially if you are breeding).

Both can be kept in groups of their own species (but not together with other species unless you have a lot of experience). Males will fight each other, so a group should consist of one male and one or more females (females can fight each other, too, you need to watch them closely for signs of stress if you keep more than one).

For more information on both species I can recommend these websites:

I hope I was of some help