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There is something seriously wrong with my american green tree frog,

22 14:37:14

I was holding my frog for a minute, when he started to urinate on me. I went to put him back in his cage and he hopped out of my hand. I picked him up and he started convulsing. I panicked and put him in his tank. He then flipped over on his back, his stomach turned blood red, his legs fully extended, and he made a loud screaming sound. I thought he was dead, but about ten minutes later, he rolled over and just sat there. I read on a website that he could have something called "redleg" and it said to put him in a separate container. I just dont understand what happened..

Hi Jenna, My first suspicion whenever there is any kind of seizure activity like that is tetany. It is caused by low blood calcium levels. Calcium plays a major role in the movement of  electrical impulses in the nervous system. I have witnessed these seizures in a few rescued animals and  they were also triggered by the additional stress of handling. They can recover from the seizures but the next one could be fatal. If you have not been dusting his crickets with a calcium/vitamin D3 powder you should start that as soon as you can. Red leg is a general term for bacterial infections in frogs that tends to produce reddish skin on the underside due to broken blood vessels. Frogs with redleg are often lethargic, spend a lot of time in the water and have odd discolourations (dark skin with bright green spots) and frequently lesions. Seizures are not a usual symptom.

I've included a link about tetany.