Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > skinny leo

skinny leo

22 14:59:55

It took me a month or so figure out that my leopard gecko wasn't eating dead food and she was really skiny by that time. I asked Diane(one of the experts  ) what I should,and she said to start feeding her live food. I'm now feeding her mealworms every other day, I'm not seeing any improvment. What should I do?(by the way it's a juvinile leo)

Hey Zarley,

a couple of things will be helpful, 1st juvie's should be fed everyday, adults every other,if you are feeding crickets
or mealies you can feed your insects a high quality diet and then feed them to your leopard this is calle gut loading. also
Two supplements should be used: one that is just calcium/D3 and another that is a reptile multivitamin. Juveniles should be supplemented at every feeding and adults at every other feeding. these things should bring your leopards wieght up to speed.well i hope this helps you out let me know .

               thanks for the ?
