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my bearded dragon sick

22 11:51:08

my bearded dragon dizzy male about 7years old stopped eating and looks tired and doesn;t move to much . What can I do

Hello Trish,

Do you have any pictures of your dragon?
What have you been feeding your male?
Do you use any UVB light & if so, what type & brand are you using?  Is it a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  Are you using a bright white basking light?
How often do you supplement with calcium powder?

Do you measure the temperatures with a digital probe or temp gun?  
It sounds like he may have a calcium or other nutritional deficiency based on the symptoms described.  If he is not eating, you will need to get some chicken or turkey babyfood & mix it with squash baby food & feed to him through a plastic dropper or syringe.

Please post a picture of him if you can.  
