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red foot

22 14:19:23

hi i have a red foot tortoise and i was wondering if its ok to feed them the tortoise commercial food every 2 days then feed them a mixed salad with fruits and stuff. so every 2 days they have commercial food and the rest of the time they have normal food so they can get all the nutrients they need or is it bad to have such a mixture because i read that you should give them variety so is that ok thanks.(2 days of commercial food 1 day of normal.)

Hi Brad, That sounds fine. I have mine on a similar schedule and know other redfoot keepers who do the same. You didn't happen to mention the type of commercial food that you use but many keepers note that redfoots do very well on Mazuri tortoise chow. That is the type that I use, just soak the pellets in a bit of warm water to soften them first.