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22 14:27:09

QUESTION: I have 1 central american green tree frog and she is extremely large and I was going to ask if u knew exactly how to tell if she is pregnant?if so how do  ake care of the eggs? she is about 3-4 inches across and she looks really bloated.

ANSWER: Hi Monty, I am going to need some clarification on exactly what species you have. The common American green tree frog picture here does not extend to Central America. Did you possibly mean the Central American red eye tree frog picture here?
Adult females of both of these species can get around 3 inches but not really 4 inches, so you can see why I am a bit confused about what species you have!

Both of these species and virtually all other frogs practice external fertilization. The male grasps the female from above which triggers her to lay the eggs, the male then deposits his sperm onto them. Obviously you will need a male in the tank as well. Some tree frogs such as the red eye lay their eggs above water on plant leaves. The tadpoles fall into the water as they hatch and live there like fish until they morph into froglets. Other species like the (American) green tree frog lay their eggs directly in shallow water. If you can post a follow-up with the species info I can go into further detail about the breeding.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: srry about that, she is a hyla cenerea and has two gold stripes going down her sides.

Hi Monty, O.K, so you have an American green tree frog and I'm going to assume that you also have a male! The males tend to be smaller and more narrow bodied then the females and you should hear him calling as well. Green trees lay their eggs in still, shallow water with vegetation. The eggs cling to the roots and undersides of the vegetation. You can use a large ceramic dish with several inches of treated water and one or two aquatic plants in it. Increasing the amount of misting will help trigger the frogs to breed. After they have layed the eggs in the dish you will need to remove it to allow the tadpoles to hatch undisturbed, this will take around 3 days. The tadpoles will need to be moved to a larger enclosure for rearing and are treated like fish. You will need to do daily partial water changes with dechlorinated water. Any good quality flaked fish food can be used for the tads. Provide some plants or other surface for them to cling onto as they beging to change. It will take around 5 -6 weeks for them to morph into froglets.