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Egyptian Eutomastyx

22 14:44:28

QUESTION: My little guy is turning yellow and pale. He is active, but is supposed to be dark brown with black spots. What is going on. The temperature is changing, is that it?

ANSWER: Hello Victoria, are you reffering to a Mali Uromastyx? If he is young then it is just his colors coming in. I think he is just getting older. There are many different color varieties in these animals and many turn a pale yellow.

Here is a link for you to read up on and let me know if you think it is something other then normal color change

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: "Horace" is an Egyptian Euromastyx so I think he stays brown and black.  He is young, not sure what age exactly, but for sure under 9-10 months.  I will check out that link you provided.  He is not yellow 100% of the time, he is brown and black, then he gets yellow and then brown and black again.

Here are a couple links with pictures of Egyption Uromastyx. So take a look at the colors and let me know if this is what he looks like.

The Egyptian Uromastyx is supposed to be a yellowish color and they get this as they age.
That and warm temperatures cause a lighter color and cold temperatures cause a darker color.

That and males and females also have differences when it cmoes to colors...

"females are light tan with black dorsal spots, while males are mostly bright yellow with mottled black markings.." (Found here:

So maybe the temps need to be hiked up or it is normal. If you are really concerened then have an appointment made with your vet.

Yellow is when he is basking or warm. So keep that in mind.