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Female leopard gecko

22 11:47:45

Good day sir

I have recently purchased four leopard geckos from a breeder. There is one male and three females and all except the one female is very active and seem to be in good health.I have them in separated cages with correct heating and they are all eating and shedding well.

The female of concern has a very thin tail and does not eat at all, she is inactive and I am very concerned about her health.

Is there any advise you could please give me, or maybe suggest something I could try to help her gain some weight?

Wayne, good to meet you sir. It may be that she is still adapting to her environs depending on how long you have had her. Here is an article which may help also Wax Worms are known to quickly put on weight for lizards as they are high in fat content. this is the book we wrote which may help as well.