Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > What do chinese water dragons play with

What do chinese water dragons play with

22 13:57:19

QUESTION: I would like to know what Chinese water dragons play with because I would like to become more involved with them and do something they like.

ANSWER: Hello Alexander,

That is a good question.  They really don't have any preferences for toys, etc, but they love to flit around in their water.  
Now don't laugh, but, you could play with them in the tub a little bit, they are quite interactive.  Do you let them out on the floor to run around as well?  How many do you have?

They are not like dogs though, & like little chew toys or anything like that.  I know that they are somewhat fond of pinkie mice so you can feed them to them on occasion too.

How old are the Chinese water dragons that you have, & what sex are they?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have no idea how old my water dragons are I have two of them. They are a little bigger then one foot long tail and all. Normally they freak out when i put them in the bathtub with water up to there sholder. Once my lizards are full grown do you think my cats will mess with them concidering my cats do pretty well with other animals.  

Hello Alexander,

I would be very careful allowing your cats around them though.  Reptiles & cats are usually not a good mix, accidents can happen quickly.  Just be cautious if you have them out together.
They don't like the bathtub?
They might like a large clear plastic storage bin perhaps so they can see out of it unlike a tub in which they can't see.  :-)

I hope you are enjoying them.
