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My anole needs help!

22 14:45:47

My anole has this round red ball (looks like blood) near it's tail.  Its not a liquid.  It has had this thing for many hours.  Is it an unfertilaized egg, disease, or blood?

Your Anole needs a vet.

This sounds serious, and it sounds like it could be many things. But, you have given me no background information. I don't even know what "near it's tail" means. Is that on the underside or what? I don't know what sex your lizard is.

The best thing I can do is assume the worst case scenario. If it is tissue coming out of the vent ( rectum ), then your Anole may have an intestinal prolapse, and in that case is fatal if not treated. Until you get to a vet you need to keep the tissue damp and protected from debris. The lizard needs to be moved from any substrate and placed on damp paper towels ( no dirt or bark ). Frequently rinse with cool ( not cold ) filtered water or saline to keep damp and protected. If the tissue dries out, it will be fatal. Also try half hour soaks in shallow water treated with heavy sugar. The sugar will help to shrink the tissue and reduce the pain.

After soaking, rinse the lizard again and gently place a light sugar paste on the tissue for about a half hour. Continually repeat the sugar water and rinsing until you get to a vet. For overnight, coat the exposed tissue with mineral oil and keep on wet paper towels in a small tupperware container, or put a shallow amount of bottled water in the container so that the area will stay clean and damp through the night.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PUSH THE TISSUE BACK IN. If you do something wrong you may perforate the intestine and kill it. See a vet as soon as possible. An intestinal prolapse is not something to play doctor yourself with.