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Feeding Leo

22 14:09:13

QUESTION: Hi,Taylor again. I have a quick question about meal worms. I bought some small
ones earlier today,and I just want to make sure there safe for my baby leo to
eat,since Ive heard stories about the meal worms able to eat out of the geckos
stomach. Thanks alot. Taylor

ANSWER: Hi Taylor,
Offering him a few small mealworms as variety is fine.  Its one of those silly stories that has gone around that mealworms and superworms can eat through a reptiles stomach. Its not true as that the leos actually do crunch their food, that plus the fact that the acids in the leos stomach would kill the mealworm almost instantly.
A better choice nutritional wise would be obtaining some small superworms.  There are some on line places that do sell them.  Many people raise superworms but I have never had luck in raising them.  
Remember, you don't want to give more than a few of the mealworms on occasion, especially to a baby leo as that the hard outer body of the mealworm when fed in excess, can cause a blockage as it is really does not digest the same.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Tonight when I was feeding my Leo I noticed his stool was runny. (you could
see water surrounding the stool) and it was a lighter brown color. I have not
yet given him the meal worms but I have given him dusted vitamin crickets
last night. Is the wet stool something to be alarmed about? Also when I clean
the tank of his stool,whitch I do once a week. Can I use the 9 parts water to
1 part bleach method. Or should I just rinse the tile off with water? Thank you
so much for all your help,I just want to get the best possible care for my Leo
as it can get.

Hi Taylor,
You really should remove the stools from his tank daily. I place a folded paper towel in the area my leo uses as her bathroom, which makes removing the stools very easy when ever there is some there.   You can use Simple Green or other cleaners (see ) weekly or more often for spot cleanings when needed, Disinfecting is a different "cleaning" that needs to be done also, but not on the same schedule as cleaning.  A good choice for disinfecting is to use Nolvasan or a generic form of it.  You can get the generic form( much cheaper) at  With what ever you use, rinsing is key.  Explains different cleaners/disinfectants.
As to the stool, he my have taken in more water but...if it happens on a regular basis, then a fecal check is needed to rule out parasites or coccidia. If you are able to weigh your leo with a kitchen scale, the vet may not even have to see your leo.  He/she may allow you to just take in the fecal sample in for testing and with an exact weight, may prescribe medication.  Some vets are willing to do so, others want to see the reptile.