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Bearded Dragon got hurt.

22 13:34:55

Hello.  I have a seven month old Bearded dragon.  Yesterday, I took her out of her cage to clean it, when she took a nasty spill, and got knocked around a little.  When I picked her up, she was completely limp, mouth gaping, wouldn't move.  I kept an eye on her all night.  She started moving, but only scooted around using her hind legs (she dragged the front.)  It's been about ten hours now, and she's now using the left front leg, but the right one she won't move unless I touch it.  Will she be alright, and what can I do until I can get her to a vet?

Hello Laura,

Oh so sorry to hear that, how terrible for you.  What did she fall off of, & how far did she fall?  Did she land on a hard floor?
She is most likely in a little bit of shock, & maybe some pain probably too.  Is her beard black at all right now?
How long will it be before you can get her to a vet?
In the meantime, you can make sure her basking spot is moved down so she doesn't have to climb & hurt herself further.  So you will also need to adjust the distance of her lights to ensure she gets to the proper temperature as well.
If you feel that she is in pain, I have a product that I sell on my reptile supply site called Serrapeptase.  That is silkworm enzyme.  It helps with pain, swelling & discomfort & is very safe for long term use.  
Is she eating right now?
If you want to consider it, here is my site:

I hope that she will be ok!  Let me know how she is doing.
