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green basilisk

22 13:26:48

hi donna i have recently bought a green basilisk he is approximatly a 4 month old male.i keep him in a 3 foot by 2 foot glass tank with an under tank heat pad and auv strip light. his diet consists of locusts and wax worms coated with calcium powder allthough he is very active and appears healthy i have noticed a small fatty lump beeween his rear left leg and tail.have you any idea what this could be?any help you can provide will be greatly appriciated.thankyou

No, only a veterinarian can diagnose an issue like that.  I can, however, tell you that you should get it looked at--whether it's a cyst, a harmless fatty tumor, or an encysted parasite, you should find out, and see about having it treated if necessary.

Unless this basilisk was definitely captive bred, a parasite check is a VERY good idea.  Internal parasites can quickly build to lethal levels in a captive situation, due to reinfection.