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baby snake

22 13:34:54

i found a baby snake a few years back it was white with black dots on the body was wondering what kind of snake it could be. i killed it hope i didn't do something bad. i know it wasn't a rattler had no rattles it was about 4 inches long had pointed head like venomous ones do

Dogs, horses, deer, bugs, and oh yeah people kill more people every year than snakes.  Yet somehow its "ok" to kill a snake on site...  Of course you did something bad.  Killing a creature which has done you no harm (probably couldn't do you any harm) and that you aren't going to eat is wrong.  If your parents found you killing neighborhood cats they'd call a shrink! But killing a snake... "Oh good job honey!"  GRRRRR!!!  Leave the snakes alone!  

As to an ID I would need to know where you found it and more details as to what it looked like.