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beardy not eating salad

22 14:14:03

hi there - i have brought a 3 yr old male beardy-ive had him a few months now and he is perfect in every way,he's friendly loves the kids ect only the old owner said he liked his salad(although she had him housed with a tortoise and i think that was eating it all ) but since ive had him he wont touch it,he eats meal worms galore and loves his locusts but not salad or veg,(i do gut load his live food on salad though)so is this enough and is this ok for him please?

 Many beardies are spoiled when given live prey every day.  My sdults get live prey three times a week unless they are egging females.  Salad should be offered in the morning and bugs, when it's Bug Day, given in the afternoon. When babies are taught that salad id food, they eat it readily.  But I have found that adults will learn if they get good tastes.  They seem to love butternut squash.  If you get it in a baby food and smear a bit on his snout, he should lap at it.  If he likes it, add a dollop to his salad.  He may just start eating that, and eat the greens coated with it.