Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my leopard geckos health

my leopard geckos health

22 14:03:43

QUESTION: Hello, I have a question about my leopard gecko. He is sexually mature male and I have had him now for about 5-6 months, possibly a little longer. I feed him meal worms once a day, and he eats well. He just shed his skin last week. I am concerned with two bubbles that have just come up on both his right and left side behind his front legs. they are soft and seems like it is filled with liquid (like a blister would be). They came up right after he shed his skin and are not gone yet. I am not sure if it is something to worry about or not, have you ever heard of this happening? If so what would you say it is and what can I do to help him. Thank you in advance.

ANSWER: Hello Michelle,

Wow that sounds pretty bazaar.  Can you send me a picture of that?  
I have heard of fluid filled blisters on geckos but not there.  Are you sure that they are not fat pads undeneath the arms?
Are the internally protruded or externally protruding?
Is he being affected by them to where he is not eating?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have taken some pictures and I hope they help but I couldn't get him to stay still. I can only attach one picture but if you would like to see more I can e-mail them to you. They are external. I have never heard of fat pads, what are they? I am not sure if he is being affected by they with his eating but he has been eating fine until last night. He didn't want any of his worms and not this morning either so I will try to feed him later today. But I hope this helps and Thank you.

Hello Michelle,

Well, good that he is eating well & not affected by anything.  
Fatpads are just areas where the fat is stored.  Such as the base of the tail is also an area where they hold fat.
He looks really good though.
You are talking about the little bulge underneath his arm, right?  
I don't think you have anything to worry about, he looks beautiful.  
Sometimes they don't eat everyday.  As he gets older, he will probably only eat every other day.
