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gravid beared dragon

22 14:43:21

i have a one year old bearded dragon and im worried she may become egg bond. she started digging 3 days agoand thougt she was going to lay her eggs but she didnt.she seems quite active and is drinking but she has gone off her food . how long should i leave her before taking her to a vet or is this normal behavour

Annette,                                                     If you can feel the eggs in her belly which you should be able to give her a warm water soaks and very gentle massage. They get bound for alot of reasons. One of which is not the appropriate digging spot. Usually they lay within 3 days off digging. If she hasn't and you can feel the eggs see a vet immediately. They are the only ones that can help you if this is the problem and you want to make sure she is ok ...... Good Luck,Tina