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leopard gecko tail has a cut

22 13:28:38


Geckos tail.
Hi, my name is Dawn and i have 2 Leopard Geckos. ones a girl, and the other is a boy. my boy gecko just got done shedding his skin, with no problem. after he was rested for a few hours, I went to hold him and i noticed a small cut, about 3/4ths of an inch long. i looks pretty deep and i dont know why it is there. i noticed him laying in the water bowl when i picked him up, as he was acting strange. I have no idea how to treat him, or if his tail will fall off, or god forbid if he died. I read that you can use Neosporne on it, but others say not to.he is only about 2 years old, and i would appreciate if you helped me. Im so scared that it is going to be expensive. How much would antibiotics cost if i needed to get them? Thank you for the support!


Dawn I apologize I was sick and have just now gotten back to normal.  Anyway, it will probably heal on its own or he may lose the tail I wouldn't use neosporin I would actually say let nature take its course. The tail will regrow if it does fall off.  Are the geckos in the same enclosure?  It may have been that they got over zealous during feeding or that the she didn't want to breed.  I am sure it won't kill him, I would keep him separately on paper towels until it heals.