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Armidillo Lizard

22 11:53:16

My lizard has recently developed a sore on his back.  Its round and is blistering and bleeding.  I don't know what to do.  Thank you for your help!!

As with any injured pet, please take your animal to an experienced reptile veterinarian for treatment.

Next, check your husbandry.  How did the injury occur?  Is it a burn?  Check your temperatures.  Heat lamps can create a spot of intense heat under them, and reptiles can be easily burned if it is too hot.

Make sure the cage is kept extremely clean, and that there is nothing in there which could cut or scrape the lizard as it moves around.

Another possible cause would be an internal parasite which has migrated into the skin.  A vet will be able to diagnose and treat the issue, and prescribe worming medication to eliminate any other parasites.  If the animal is not captive-bred, it has a high chance of having internal parasites.