Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Gecko (follow-up)

Gecko (follow-up)

22 14:08:56

QUESTION: Answer     Hello Jackie,

That is perfectly legal, to sell the males or females.  Why
do you not want to keep any males?  
So the female has laid her eggs?  
She is not eating yet?  If she doesn't begin eating soon,
you should get some chicken or turkey babyfood to get into
her with a plastic dropper to help her out.
You need to keep an eye on her to make sure she is not
having any problems during egg laying, too.


Sorry I had to make a new question:
I only want to keep female because won't the males fight?
I also wanted to know if I could keep them in the same cage.
Will the dad make babies with his daughters? If he does,
will that cause the offspring to be ill or not healthy?

Thank you,

ANSWER: Hello Jackie,

Oh that is very true!  Males do fight so the females are easier to keep of course!  You can keep a few females in the same tank, yes.  How large of a tank will you be using for them?  I can suggest using at least a 20-30 gallon tank should house 4 adult females, comfortably.
No, do not house the male father with the daughter, as they will mate.  That is severe inbreeding & that can cause birth defects.  So, that is definitely not recommended.  :-))


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have a 60 gallon tank. So keeping dad with daughters is a no
no? How much do you think I could sell the babies for?

Hello Jackie,

Yes, definitely keeping dad with daughters is a definite no no.  I would hate for inbreeding of that magnitude to happen.
I think you could sell the geckos for at least $50 a piece, maybe less.  I would let them start eating on their own for at least a week or two before trying to sell them.  
