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Water Dragon acting weird

22 14:26:01

I have a water dragon female, she is about a year old, and recently she
stopped being active, she closes her eyes all the time, her eyes look alittle bit
bigger, but they are not red or swollen, but on the other hand her throat is
swollen and she sleeps constantly. She gets more active when I take her out
but when she is in a tank she just sleeps. Her tank is 55 gallons, I have UVA
bulb and UVB bulb- it is a coil, the  temperatures in the tank in a day is
between 80 to 85, basking spot is around 90 to 100 and her humidity is 80%,
the substrate I use is soil mixed with bark, she eats crickets, I dust them
twice a week with calcium and two to three times a month with vitamins. I'm
really worried that something is going on please let me know what I can do.
Thank you. Justina

First, get rid of that coil!  Coils and compacts are causing severe eye problems in reptiles.  If you go to, there is a link to a study on this problem.  Replace with a fluorescent tube or a Megaray MV bulb, both are better and definitely safer.  The best fluorescent is a Reptisun 10.0 and the Megaray is sold only on that same website I just gave you.  Please also have him seen by the vet, he probably is becoming dehydrated by the stress and should be checked out.  Perhaps a soothing topical for his eyes will also assist and the vet's the best place for that.