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Sick flapped necked pregnant chameleon

22 11:47:21

Good day, I picked up a pregnant flapped neck chameleon about 4 months ago. I live in South Africa and have not yet until today purchased the red uv light, I am very worried she is heavily pregnant and is very very sick, she is dull in colour and doesn't move at all, she has not been eating or drinking for a while now her one eye is swollen shut. If I pick her up to move her she is so weak she doesn't even hiss like she used to. I feed her crickets and purified water only for the past 4 months.

Apologies your question didn't arrive until today. I would ask about the basking area and what the temperature is there. Also UVB is and maybe a critical factor in the Chams health. Also dosing with calcium with help as well. Immediate veterinarian visit is what I would highly recommend.