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Injury care

22 13:55:04

Hello, I own a vail day I come home from work and her foot is swolen and I notice a gash next to her toe. I panic and leave her hopeing she heals. A day later she had puss coming out of the cut. What do I do. Is it bad that it is doing that or is it healing? And what can I do to clean the cut? At the moment money is tight so a vet is not the best choice? What can I use to help clean her foot and help her heal? Thank you for your time.  

Hello Michael,

Hm, how did she hurt her foot?  What type of tank are you using?
The best thing you can do is get some betadine to soak her foot in, but dilute it down until it looks like weak tea.  Soak her foot daily in that solution, then, use neosporin or polysporin antibiotic ointment on it to help it heal up.
Make sure & change the water in her tank, daiy to keep any bacteria count down so it will decrease any chances of bacteria getting into the foot & causing infection.
