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Fat and Vomited

22 13:31:12

Dexy in my hand.
Dexy in my hand.  
QUESTION: This question is about my leopard gecko. I think she may have Impaction. (the picture is of her during vacation, which was just yesterday). She seemed perfectly healthy and vomited in the car ride home. She was sorta fat, but I took it as she really had to use the bathroom, but she didn't. I usually feed her wax worms and TRY crickets, but she always runs away from them. I don't know what else to feed her. I'm giving her a warm bath twice a day for 10 minutes. I am also putting calcium on my finger and making her lick it off of my finger. I don't know what else to do. I might go to a Herp Veterinarian, but my mom doesn't think that she has Impaction. And Dexy has only thrown up once, so far.

ANSWER: Hello Diana,

Sorry to hear your gecko is not doing well.  How old is she?  According to the picture, she appears to be almost full grown.
What could she be impacted from, do you house her on any loose substrate like sand or bark?  The waxworms are soft & should not impact her.  What size of crickets do you try feeding her?  If she is running from them, they might be too large for her.  They shouldn't really be any larger than the space between her eyes.
Another possibility is that she has infertile eggs perhaps.  They can lay eggs whether or not a male is present.  When did you notice her getting fat, has it been a gradual thing or an all of the sudden type of condition?
That is fine letting her lick the calcium off of your finger.  Has she been drinking any water?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is about 2 1/2 (?). I put on paper towels, I usually feed her medium
which are kind of tiny, and her getting bigger in the tummy is gradual. She
is drinking water & should I try feed her fruit? I have tried with celery
endings, apples, and carrots. I cut off a tiny piece and put it in front of her
and I also tried holding it up to her mouth and she would just lick it and
look away.

Hello Diana,

Hm, that is sounding like she has some infertile eggs if it is gradual then.  I can't think of anything she would be impacted on though.  I don't think the medium crickets would be impacting her.  
They don't usually eat any veggies or fruits though.  
Good that she is drinking water right now.  You can try to feed her a little fruit if you want to.  You can also try chicken or turkey baby food too, they tend to like that.
Let me know how she is doing.
