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leopard gecko and UVB lights

22 13:52:54

Some places say to use a UVB light others say no. I prefer the UVB light during the day to bring out the colors in the leopard geckos we have. My question is the UVB help animals and people to produce vitamin D3. With that said do they still need a vitamin supplement with D3 in it since I am using the UVB light? And can I use both the UVB light and the multivitamin with D3?

Hello Taci,

That is a cute name, by the way.  :-))
Great you are using a UVB light for your leopard gecko.  I feel that it does help the overall health of the animal, as well.  
I would supplement just plain calcium, & once a week, you can put in some calcium with D3.  They do have a specialized liver that stores D3 differently than other reptiles do.  
So no they don't need a regular D3 supplementation.  
