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gecko dragging hind legs

22 13:58:16

my leopard gecko is dragging his hind legs, his cage does not have sand in it, wehave the reptile carpet. i think he has been overfed?? he now has a sore on his tail from dragging the legs..what can i do for him??? his belly is a nice pink color not to pink i soaked him in a few warm baths..please help my son is very upset!!!!!

 Hi Mike.  Dragging legs can be from impaction, injury, or a neurological problem.  It would be best to have him seen by a good reptile veterinarian.  This way he gets a definitive diagnosis.  And impaction can be caused by too large prey as well as particulate substrate so it is still in the running.  Have him seen as soon as possible.  If you don't know of a good exotics vet, there is a directory of vets who specialize in reptiles and amphibians at