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Bulk crickets dying

22 14:17:01

I have bought crickets by the thousand for the past half year. The latest batch I bought about a week ago are dying in great quantities. There is a stronger smell than usual. My father has read something about ammonia. Do you have any ideas on why so many are dying at once? Should I not feed the rest of the crickets to my Bearded Dragon? He is just over a year old. Thank you.

Hello Jacob,

Wow that is too bad.  You most likely got a bad batch unfortunately.  
Are they getting too cold or is it too humid in their bin or too crowded?  
They do need a warm & dry environment.  They will die if they get too cold.  If they are getting too cold, you will need to use a heating pad or an undertank heating device for them.    
If they are dying that quickly & are not looking healthy, no do not feed them to your dragon.  Where did you order your crickets from?  
Are you up north?  
If you need crickets I would go to the petstore to get some or order from some other place & keep the ones that you have now separated from any new ones that you get.
