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concerning my leo gecko

22 13:26:36

my 10 year old gecko has a respiratory infection he is on meds his tank temp is good 85-90 on the hot side and 80 on the cool side he shed his corneas so hes blind we were having a hard time feeding him so we took him to the vet because he lost his tail weight the vet gave us food to feed him but he wont eat anything now because he is sick my question is is there anything we can do to make him more comfortable and speed up his recovery?

thank you

First, bump up the temperatures about 3 degrees (no more than that).  Slightly elevated temperatures will act like a fever, and help the gecko fight infection.  (Temps too high are stressful, but a small increase can be helpful).

Push water--if the food the vet gave you is a powder to mix with water, mix it a bit thin, and administer with an eyedropper--put one drop on the end of the gecko's snout, and wait until he licks it off, then give another.  This takes patience, but is the least stressful way to get nutrition and fluids into him.

Avoid handling as much as possible, other than to administer meds.