Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > veiled cameleons

veiled cameleons

22 14:33:36

hi i am just wondering how often my cameleon should shed his skin,and how big he will be when he is fully grown,

Hi Evelyn, How often he sheds depends completely on his rate of growth and that depends on his diet and the temperature. Veileds are a very rapidly growing species in captivity when ample food is provided. A baby that is fed daily  and provided with a suitable temperature to turn that food into growth can shed every week or two. This rapid growth requires frequent calcium supplementation as well to help the skeleton to develop normally. The growth and shedding rate slows down as they become juveniles and young adults.

You will see two categories of sizes quoted for lizards, one is total length (TL) and includes the tail and the other is snout to vent length (SVL) which is just the body. The average SVL of an adult male in captivity is around  6 to  8 inches with a total length of around 15 - 17 inches. You will often see much larger sizes of 20 - 24  inches (TL) quoted but these figures are for exceptionally large specimens from the wild. It is rare for captive specimens to attain that size.