Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bearded dragon with grey head

Bearded dragon with grey head

22 13:59:02

Hello, we have a beardie that is about 1 yr, 4 months old.  Recently, we noticed that his head and part of his arms are grey/white looking.  It doesnt look like he is shedding so we are concerned he might be sick.  Have you heard of this? what could it be?  thanks for your help

Hello Kelly,

Can you post a picture of your dragon?  That "sounds" like a shed, but other than that the only thing it could be would be some type of fungal problem.
What is the humidity in the tank?  What are the temperatures in the tank & what type of thermometer do you use, a stick on type, a digital probe or a temp gun?
