Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Is my Breared Dragon sick?

Is my Breared Dragon sick?

22 14:27:08

Hi, I have a one year old breared dragon that will not eat or drink is he sick? If so how can I help him?

Hi Tim K
How long of a period of time has he not been eating or drinking for?

If he is not eating or drinking and the tank temps are correct and he is not on a substrate that he can ingest and if
is not shedding then I would guess that he has a problem and that he needs to be seen by a vet asap

Is he at a healthy weight and average size for his age?

What is his diet?

Does he usually eat both insects and greens/veggies?

Does he have a UV light that is newer than 6 months old if it is a tube or are you using a Mercury Vapor Lamp?

What size tank/enclosure is he being kept in?

What are the temps on the cool side of the enclosure and under the basking spot light?

Answering these questions can rule out some things that might be putting him off his food
Let me know and we can go from there

Good Luck with him

Sandy aka LadyGecko