Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Eastern Collard Lizard- Pink Growth/Bump on head

Eastern Collard Lizard- Pink Growth/Bump on head

22 14:24:54

QUESTION: My Eastern Collard Lizard has developed a pink growth/bump on its head.  This happened right after its shedding.  I noticed that its skin very dry during the shed and it was hard to shed its head skin.  He seems to be okay other then that, but when I touch the growth it soft and it appears as though he does not enjoy it. I almost wonder if it needs to be picked at or popped yet there is not a white head like opening.. Please help. Also, he was looked over right before his shedding by a herp. vet and was healthy.


You are not the first person this year that has reported unusual growths on their lizards

I'm sorry to say but I think that you are going to have to go back to the vet with your Collard to take care of this problem as there is no way of knowing if the growth has blood vessels in it or if it is just some sort of cyst

Just out of curiosity-does this lizard eat mealworms?

Good Luck with your lizard
Sandy aka LadyGecko

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I feed them crickets and spinach... Thank you for your attention to my question.

ANSWER: You are very welcome and I hope that your Collard Lizard will be OK

Sandy aka LadyGecko

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I went to the vet and she said it was an abscess. She lanced it and got a lot of puss and white stuff out.  She said that is would scab over and possibly keep draining.  I am to return on Tuesday for a follow up. BUT...It has bee less then  two hours and my lizard is bleeding from its anus blood and a red watery liquid.  He is straining to get it out ad now there is this soft glob like stuff sticking out of his anus. I believe he also defecated twice before the glob stuff started sticking out.  The vet is now closed and there is not an emergency contact number.  Any information would be helpful. The lizard is on antibiotics.  Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

Hi Mary-I am so sorry to read that you got one problem taken care of and that you now have yet another-even more serious to deal with

I really do not know what to tell you to do as I am not a vet

It almost sounds like the infection is throughout his body but this is just a guess on my part

Keep giving him the antibiotic

Keep him on paper towels as a substrate(change the substrate if he is currently on a granular substrate such as sand) to prevent any irritation

The solid glob sticking out of his clocoa may be a prolapse intestine or part of his hemipenis
If this is the case you can lightly mist the paper towel substrate and soak him in a sugar water soak

Here is a link for advice on
Prolapse of Cloacal Tissue and Hemipenes

and it has the instructions for the sugar soak/bath at the end
It doesn't matter that the lizard described is an Iguana

If so there isn't much that you can do besides keeping him clean until the vet opens again

I really wish that i could do more for you and I feel for you both

I wish you the best

Sandy aka LadyGecko