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22 14:41:34

I have an 18x18x24 in. terrarium that I have set up with a false bottom and some live plants for 3 red eyed tree frogs. I was wondering if there is any kind of small freshwater fish that I can put in the pond area that won't be harmful to my red eyes.

Hi Chris, I don't know if there are potential pathogens that can be passed from tropical fish to your red eyes. My concern would be that the fish will affect the water quality through their own feeding and defecating. Frogs are very dependent on clean water and somewhat prone to bacterial infections due to the nature of their skin. An undergravel filter should help maintain water quality for both the frogs and the fish. Tree frogs usually only encounter small amounts of pooled water and are not adapted to deep or wide amounts of water, they not the best swimmers. I would suggest aquatic plants in the water area to give them something to grab onto, that should keep your crickets from drowning as well. Somewhat shallow water with plants is a fairly natural habitat for a Siamese fighting fish or perhaps 3 or 4 of a small gentle, schooling species like tetras.