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not eating but hyper dearded dragon

22 13:34:55

hi looking for advice 6month female beardie not eating her reg 10 odd crickets a day just veg and so hyper she scratching to get out and climbing up the glass when i do let her out she runs round room and up and down at her reflection for as long as i let her?? is this normal? non stop running up and down her tank at the glass

OK, well.  How big is the enclosure?  Second of all what are the temperatures of the enclosure.  She could be getting over heated and the enclosure may be too small.  But if she is eating her veg then that really does't seem to be the case.  But the small enclosure still may be an issue as I don't know what size it is you keep her in.  Bobbing at her own reflection is quite normal.  But it what you may end up doing is putting a blinder around the bottom of the enclosure for about 8 to 10" up the side and this is usually done on the outside either with dark paper or non-toxic paint.  If you could let me know her size in length and the length of the enclosure I would be able to help further.

John F Taylor