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Rex - My Bearded Dragon

22 13:59:27

Hi, we have had Rex for around 5 months, we were told he 9 months old when we got him, he was doing really well and to begin with was eating lots and active, he has grown a few inches in the last couple of months, however for the last week or so he is very docile and is not eating, he is not going to the loo by himself, however he does go everytime he is bathed which we do on a regular basis. I thought he may be dehydrated so gave him some baby juice ( mineral water with a hint of apple juice ) which he drank fine and he also ate some baby food (chicken and squash ) after doing this he perked up as he started eating mealworms (his favourite ) however still refused locusts. but in the last few days he seems to have gone downhill again, the only thing i can get him to eat is about a teaspoon of babyfood, i am worried about MBD, (we recently changed his light ) and i am adding calcium powder to the babyfood. He used to eat a little salad in the morning and up to 10 locusts a day. Do you think MBD could be the problem if so what can i do ?

Since you are feeding locusts, I'm guessing you are in the UK.  As he is over a year old now, he may be attempting to brumate, a normal winter semi-hibernation.  Have him checked by a good reptile vet to rule out any medical issues, then check to make sure your UVB source is not older than 6 months old, if so, get a new tube.  I will give you a link to explain brumation in detail: