Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > beardie wont eat continued

beardie wont eat continued

22 11:42:21

hi its lisa again, it wouldnt let me respond in the same thread again so i started a new one.
i have a 100 watt spotlight for there heat and thought that is bright enough for there basking, its very bright.
i have there lights on 12 hours a dy, maybe sometimes less depending..

how do you slow down there brumation?

Hello Lisa,

Really all you can do is brighten it up in the tank, replace the UVB so it will help with activity.  Take any hides or anything out of the tank like that in which they can hide in to try & deter them from slowing down too much.
You could consider increasing their daytime hours to a 14 hour day instead of a 12 hour day for awhile, too.

Let me know how things are going!
