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baby igauna

22 14:32:26

i just bought a baby igauna this sunday and i started to notice that she has a brownish head and a brown line going down her back and on her sides but the ones on her sides have a red out line.

Hi Sean, It is always difficult to assess whether something is normal without actually seeing it. It is  common and normal for baby iguanas to develop dark grey or brown lines or stripes along their spines and down their bodies. Some of these stripes can be a rusty brown colour. Perhaps that is the "red" you are seeing? The top of their head will also turn dark grey to almost black as well. You may also notice light blue stripes. I have included some photo links for you to compare.
I am not familiar with them developing bright or obvious red areas however. There are red iguanas (again,more of a rusty brown colour)  in the pet trade and perhaps your baby has some genetic connection to that mutation.
My best advice is to monitor the skin for any signs of inflammation or swelling and and to monitor him for normal behaviour and appetite. Make sure your enclosure does not allow him to be burned by the heat/light source.