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Possibly irreversible tumor and shut-eyes

22 13:32:02

okay so i've had 2 leopard geckos for about 4 years. they are sisters and have lived without fights with eachother or anything. a couple months ago(yes, i have waited that long and i am greatly regretting it), a small bump appeared on one(moony)'s head. it continued to grow until it scabbed over and caused her eye to shut almost completely. the other(eyes)'s eyes(ironically) have swollen shut due to shed buildup. I thought these were natural problems and would sort themselves out, so i procrastinated and eventually wound up with a problem on my hands. moony now barely eats and her once-full tail is rather shrivelled. eyes gets along fine but can't see, so you can see the problems that can arise from that. moonys lump has scabbed over severely and i dont know what to do!!! please, please,please, tell me what i can do to help.

Hello Emily,

Well, the lump could be an abscess which might have been caused by a cricket bite perhaps.  They can get infected & then can a pocket of infection to become localized & swell.  How often does it scab over?  I think that needs to be biopsied or at least tested to see what it is or if it is cancerous, etc.  They can aspirate fluids from the area & culture it to see if anything grows.

The retained shed over the eyes has to be taken care of or she will lose her eyes.  Have you tried saline solution being dropped into the eyes?  That can help.  Do they look infected yet?

What is the humidity in the tank?  Do you have a moist/humid hide with moss or something similar to help retain moisture to help with shedding?  You can also give a daily bath, though she wont like it, that may help out.  

What are the temperatures in the tank currently & what type of thermometer do you use to measure the temperatures with, a stick on type, a digital probe or a temp gun?

Do you have any pictures of them both for me to evaluate them with?
Are you supplementing them with calcium & with vitamins on a regular basis?

If they are not eating, you will need to start intervening with chicken, turkey or beef baby food.  So, use either a plastic syringe or a plastic dropper to get food onto their nose so they can lick the food off of their nose.  That should help them gain some weight back.  
