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transporting my gecko

22 14:53:17

i need to take my gecko to the vets has i have noticed that one of his eyes doesn't seem right, its always nearly shut and all his wants to do lately is sleep, but the problem is how do i go about transporting him and keeping him warm at the same time. I work in a pet shop and there is a vet on site so he will have to stay with me whilst i am at work but i cant really take his vivarium with me as its 3 feet long and i have to get the train to work. Please help me as im really concerned about him.

HI Stacy,
You can use a regular shoe box or one of those plastic ones..putting holes in the lids of both, and a few holes on each side.  With a regular shoe box, I would tie the lid on though!!
For heat, you can get those heat packs they sell in sporting good sections of stores.  They are for hands, feet and they now have larger ones also.  
You would lay a wash cloth or a folded hand towel on the bottom of the container, then a heat pack (only one should be needed on the bottom if its the larger ones).  Cover this one with double thickness of a wash cloth.  Only placing it on the one side will give him a cool area in part of the box also.
Of course you can't maintain perfect temperatures this way, will be enough heat for his trip.  If you feel that its not warm enough, you can add another to the bottom of the box..and also tape one to the side.  Be sure you have air holes though as the heat packs use up oxygen.
You can also use hot water bottles in the same fashion.  Just be sure that they can't roll inside the box!!
Good luck on your vet visit.