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Baby gecko

22 11:54:17

Baby gecko
Baby gecko  
Found this little guy in our bathroom tonight(we live in the country ins horse farm) he is the size of my baby finger first joint.  Maybe 1 1/2 ". His tail is bent and the thickness of a thick sewing needle.  Can I save him. What can I do until tomorrow when I can get to the store. He's lively and not acting really scared.

Hi Mary,
I believe it is a Mediterranean looks bumpy like the Mediterranean .  If the skin is smooth, then it is most likely a banded gecko. With him being so tiny its hard for me to tell for sure, especially not knowing where yo are located. The best thing to do for him is to take him to a safe place outdoors where he can find a place to hunt, etc.  Wild caught lizards don't do well in captivity due to the stress.   Its good he is lively.  Sometimes the not acting scared is just a high level of stress. One of the biggest killers of wild caught lizards that are made captive is stress...2nd to that is starvation..which, when stressed they will not eat.
IF you do plan on trying to hang on to the gecko due to poor weather conditions(cold) then the battle will be getting him to eat.  Crickets are the best want crickets that are no larger than the space between his eyes.  You also want to provide heat via light bulb during the day.  Do provide a cave in which he can will need to provide bottom heat via undertank heater.  (be sure to follow directions for using).  You want to place a hiding cave/log in this area and also a hiding place in the cooler area.
Here are some links to more care info.
If the gecko doesn't have bumps, then  its a banded...