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gecko droppings

22 13:26:21

We find droppings stuck on our stucco wall every morning and with your site I think they are geckos as we are in nevada.  The droppings are about 1 inch long and skinny. There is no perches for birds or bats. Do you know of a way to safely detract the geckos?

Hi Kit,

The geckos will be seeking out warmth, food and shelter. Do you have any lights on in the immediate vicinity? Lights attract bugs and bugs attract geckos. Geckos will also bask near or even inside the shade of a warm light. If you have shrubbery below, that provides both shelter and potential food for the geckos, then that will also attract them but removing your greenery would be a rather harsh solution! I am really not aware of any type of commercial repellent that can be used. Some people in similar situations with snakes have tried strongly aromatic oils like cloves, peppermint etc. and thought they noticed some repellent affect. You could try spraying a trial area with a diluted solution. Aromatic oils can be found in health food stores.

They may be choosing that area for the residual heat from the sun that the wall naturally maintains which obviously you are not going to be able to do much about. :)