Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Locating water

Locating water

22 15:00:46

Hello Diane,

Is there any recorded observation made by scientists or native anecdotal evidence that any reptiles that live in deserts or regions of the world that are susceptible to drought, can sense in what direction the nearest water source is, if captured and then released in unfamiliar surroundings hundreds of kilometers away like some human beings have been recorded for centuries to be able to dowse for water ?

If you have no information on this, can you tell me who might have any information on this subject PLEASE ?

This is a most important query for me.

Thank you.


Hi William,
I have no 100% answers for you but I did find a few links that may be of help to you.

You may be able to contact some of the people listed on these links that can point you in the right direction or even have the answers you are looking for.